¿What is an MBA?

 (Master of Business Administration)
In the labor market has resulted in increased demands for future professionals, and a college degree is not enough, postgraduate studies are almost or more important than undergraduate.

It is no secret that globalization has brought down the borders, especially with the spread of internet, now part of the so-called global village. In business it translates into increased competition as companies not only compete directly with their geographical rivals, but the rest of the world.

An MBA is a must in today's competitive world
An MBA is a must in today's competitive world
Among the myriad of available postgraduate studies is the famous MBA or Master of Busnisess Administration (Master of Business Administration). Its origin dates back to 1900 when the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College offered the first, today the selection of this MBA is one of the most selective in the world.

Usually, the MBAs have a duration ranging between 1 and 3 years depending on the school program. Also, some offer a specialization in some area, the most common are: Finance, Marketing, Logistics, Human Resources.

The Master of Administration Busnisess have three modes of study:
Part-time: we are witnessing a few days a week, as in the rest of the person works
Full time: It is full-time, is not compatible with any work schedule
Weekends: Friday afternoon and Saturday all day.
E-learning: This is done via the Internet allowing students to set their own schedule according to their abilities.


What MBA for me?
Represent a major investment for the choice of study program is a very important decision, this must conform to their expectations and in turn adapt to their availability. Some specialized journals in the field, as topuniversities.com, note that you must keep in mind some very clear points before taking the decision.

1. Professional and viability objectives: to minimize the possible options think that employers are looking for, as improve their qualifications after taking the course, their opportunities for advancement in your current job and finally as can help you be more attractive to HR managers in the area of ​​their specialization.
2. Self-evaluation: is conducting a thorough and realistic assessment of their capabilities and abilities to define precisely because he wants to take the course.

3. Research and selection criteria: the self can develop a profile of what you like, so you can select the business school that meets their expectations. Currently there are many specialized sites that allow you to select schools that offer what you are looking for. For example, if you want to devote to Marketing you should select a school that has a good teacher and / or profile in the area.
4. Visit schools: As of the possibilities is a good idea to visit schools personally, but if not possible, to attend the annual fairs where schools are promoted is a good idea.